(Click on the photos for larger images.)

This is only halfway through the "toning" process, which takes 72 hours to complete.
You can see her get her sexy (and confidence) back after using our body wraps.
Below, before and after one Ultimate Body Applicator in one hour.

Before using an Ultimate Body Applicator on my abdomen.

Looking much more toned and tightened!

Not my best angle!
- See how the lower tummy cuts in now?
Legs are a favorite area to wrap at home, after I have demonstrated how to use the wraps.
Check Nina out! When asked what products she is using, this is her response: “When I first signed I wrapped every 3 days for 2 weeks & was taking Thermofit & Fat Fighters (lost 9lbs). Then I added in Greens, Vitals, & Regular & only wrapped once a week to lose the rest. Love, Love, Love these products!!!
Men can wrap too!
This is a great representation of wrapping the chin area.
Wow, one hour, one Ultimate Body Applicator!

Before an It Works body wrap. Notice elasticity in tummy. (no flash)

See how much tighter the skin is after the Ultimate Body Applicator wrap?

Before an It Works body wrap

After, she lost one inch above the belly button and one inch below and .75 at the belly button.
The It Works Facial Applicator Hydrating Mask … Ahh!

Before the It Works facial applicator. Skin looks sunken in, blotchy

During! It's a little like Jason, no?

After with no flash. Look how much more plump, hydrated the skin looks.

The same night, after putting on some make-up. Look so much better! Rejuvenation!
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